How to Come Up With Blog Topic Ideas for Photographers

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Hey! I am Neyssa Lee, mother of six, planning & Disney obsessed, and a Seattle area photographer who has been in your shoes trying to grow a business. I now use my super power of time management to help fellow photographers take control of their businesses. Learn more by heading to my ABOUT ME page.

Hi, I'm Neyssa

The Importance of Blogging for Your Photography Business

In a world saturated with images, how do photographers stand out? Beyond the stunning shots and unique angles, there’s another crucial tool in a photographer’s bag: blogging. But before we dive into the myriad of blog topic ideas waiting to be explored, let’s lay out why blogging is gold for photographers.

Blogs, when done right, are more than just digital journals. They’re powerful platforms that:

  • Attract potential clients: By sharing insights, and expertise, and showcasing your work.
  • Serve existing clients: By providing them with valuable information or addressing common concerns.
  • Boost SEO: Regularly updating your site with relevant content can improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for clients to find you.
  • Establish and fortify your brand: It’s a space where you can truly express your photography style, philosophies, and the stories behind your shots.
  • Repurpose across platforms: A well-crafted blog post can be dissected into bite-sized content for social media, newsletters, and more.

As a Seattle family and newborn photographer, I have used blogging for the past decade. Clients regularly tell me that not only did my blogs help them find me, but helped them feel prepared and confident about having portraits taken.

I truly do practice what I preach (and teach in my Blogging for Business Course)

But here’s the hiccup: what should you write about? How do you ensure that your blog remains a goldmine of relevant content? How do you come up with blog ideas that move the needle in your business?

Photography Business Coach shares mistakes

Discovering Blog Topic Ideas

Coming up with blog topic ideas might seem daunting, especially when you’re juggling aperture settings, client meetings, and maybe even a mischievous kid or two. But trust me, once you start, the ideas will flow more naturally than you’d think. After you created the basic “what to wear for family photos” post that everyone should have. Consider the next three ways to come up with effective blog topic ideas.

1. Address Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Every photographer has heard them—those questions that pop up in almost every client interaction. “What should I wear for the photoshoot?” “How do you handle cloudy weather?” “Can I include my dog?” “How do you handle busy toddlers?” These questions are goldmines. By addressing them in blog posts, you not only provide value to your audience but also position yourself as a knowledgeable expert in your field.

2. Enhance the Client Experience

Put yourself in your client’s shoes. What would make their photoshoot experience smoother, more enjoyable, or even unforgettable? Perhaps it’s a guide on coordinating outfits for family photos, tips for getting children to cooperate during sessions, or ideas for choosing the perfect shoot location. When you think from your client’s perspective, a wealth of blog topic ideas emerges, all aimed at elevating their experience.

3. Beyond the Session: Making the Most of Photos

A photoshoot with you is just the beginning. Clients often wonder how best to use the stunning photographs they now possess. Why not craft blogs on:

  • Creating Photo Albums: A step-by-step guide to curating memories.
  • Decor Ideas: Using photographs as home décor—think wall galleries, photo blankets, or even custom coffee mugs.
  • DIY Photography Tips: While they can’t replicate your expertise, a few DIY tips for capturing candid moments during vacations or family gatherings can be a hit. Share basic tips on lighting, angles, or even mobile photography.
Photography business coach writing in notebook with laptop nearby, blog topic ideas for a photographer

Unleashing a Wave of Creativity for Blog Topic Ideas

When approached with curiosity and a genuine desire to add value, the task of generating blog topic ideas transforms from an overwhelming challenge to an exciting endeavor. Remember, your blog is an extension of your photography business, a space where clients get to know you and your craft better.

So, take out your metaphorical pen, think about what your audience craves, and start crafting. With every post, you’re not just sharing words—you’re painting pictures with them!

Need help ensuring your blogs are actually effective (with good format and SEO)? My Blogging for Business course walks you through everything you need to know about blogging. You’ll be an expert and start seeing the benefits (like booking more clients).

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